
The Ships

Welcome to Ricey’s Starship Emporium. Here are a fine selection of ships for your delectation and perusal. Take a look at the beautiful design and then discover them for real in the No Man’s Sky universe.

The best ships can be seen on the YouTube channel – Ricey’s Starship Emporium.







The very best ships are rare and powerful! These are all ‘S’ Class and come at a price; but if you can find one, they’re worth your units.

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The smallest, yet fastest, most potent ships in the universe. Nimble, Agile, stunning, fighters are an essential member of your inventory of ships. Defend yourself against the Sentinel scourge or other deadly enemies.


With the largest default jump range, these ships can get you around easily and quickly!

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Need to move large amounts of cargo? Then you need a hauler! Not the nippiest of ships around but certainly the biggest. With the most detail these ships are a wonder to look at.

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Compact utility vehicles that can be used for many purposes. Carrying cargo, fixing frigates and general maintenance a shuttle is what you need.

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